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Saturday 30 June 2012

Hah, this is really surprising!!!!

                Hello~ heh heh heh..why did i put 'hah,this is really suprising'??? actually, i did forget about something that i should post in the previous entry. ok for this entry , actually this is the continuity entry for ' Let say about Information Technology' . huhu..okays, here, now i confess that my class actually had finished chapter 1 and 2. so what i wanna post in this entry is focusing on chapter 2 , that i forget to post along with previous entry. so, i am
okay, so just forget about it, what is chapter 2 is about????
Anyone who like to answer this raise up your hand ?? haha

chapter 2 is 

Identifying Competitive Advantages

How actually an organization wanna survive and stay for a long time in the market??
The answer is an organization must create a competitive advantage

Competitive Advantage is
 a product or services that organization's customers value more highly than similar offering from a competitor

so , an organization which come up with their competitive advantage  or being the first -mover advantage can have significantly impact its market share.

Organizations watch their competition through environmental scanning. So what is actually environment scanning???

Environmental scanning
 the acquisition and analysis of events and trends in the environment external to an organization

Three common tools used in industry to analyze and develop competitive advantages include:

~Porter’s Five Forces Model
~Porter’s three generic strategies
~Value chains

                                                            Buyer power

     high when buyers have many choices of whom to buy from

low when their choices are few loyalty programs

Loyalty programs 


 reward customers based on the amount of business they do with a particular organization


  Supplier Power

high when buyers have few choices of whom to buy from

low when their choices are many

Supply chain 


 consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly, in the procurement of a product or raw 


Organizations that are buying goods and services in the supply chain can create a competitive

advantage by locating alternative supply sources (decreasing supplier power) through B to B 


Business-to-Business (B to B) marketplace

 an Internet-based service which brings together 

many buyers and sellers

Two types of Business-to-Business (B to B) marketplaces

Private exchange

 a single buyer posts its needs and then opens the bidding to any supplier who would care to bid

Reverse auction
 An  format in which increasingly lower bids are solicited from organizations willing to supply the 

desired product or service at an increasingly lower price

Threat of Substitute Products or Services

high when there are many alternatives to a product or service

low when there are few alternatives from which to choose

Switching costs
 costs that can make customers reluctant to switch to another product or service

Threat of New Entrants

high when it is easy for new competitors to enter a market

low when there are significant entry barriers to entering a market

Entry barrier

 a product or service feature that customers have come to expect from organizations in a 

particular industry and must be offered by an entering organization to compete and survive

 Rivalry among Existing Competitors

high when competition is fierce in a market

low when competition is more complacent

Although competition is always more intense in some industries than in others, the overall trend 

is toward increased competition in just about every industry


actually is


Organizations typically follow one of Porter’s three generic strategies when entering a new 


Broad cost leadership
Broad differentiation
Focused strategy



Once an organization chooses its strategy, 

it can use tools such as the value chain to determine the success or failure of its chosen 


Business process 

is a

  standardized set of activities that accomplish a specific task, such as processing a 

customer’s order

Value chain

 is a

 views an organization as a chain, or series, or processes, each of which adds value to the 

product or service for each customer

I hope that you can understood what i am saying here. Have a nice day guys!!!

Let say about Information Technology!!!

         Hello guys, it was a very long time seen i have not post anything to this blog. And i do sorry for that, actually it was a busy week, heh heh heh. 

But in this busy week, what actually i wanna say is, for a whole week there are no class for MGT 300, hahaha, (why laughing ???) last week, our MGT 300 subject's class had finished all chapter 1 in this book.

so, with all effort and strength i do actually study this MGt 300 subject k, okay, chapter 1 is totally about 

business driven technology. 

what is information technology (IT) ??

IT is easily understand by the word, every where in business.

i said everywhere so that means, it is all over the world.

IT also is a field concerned with the use of technology in managing and processing information. 

Information technology's impact greatly on business operation. it is also play a role in many department in an organization such as:
  1. accounting
  2. marketing
  3. human resource
  4. finance
  5. sales and many more~

IT is basically covering many field that dealing the use of electronic computer

 and computer to: 
  • convert, 
  • store,
  • protect,
  • process,
  • transmit,
  • retrieve information securely

so as IT is very important in business we must also need to have management of IT to achieve the goals in business through the use of IT. Management information is important to well knowing the:
  • data, information, and business intelligence
~Data are raw facts
~Characteristic for a sales include date, item number, item description, quantity ordered, customer name, and etc.
~so all of this data are converted into information which is meaningful and useful context.
~ information are gather, provide access to, and analyze data and information to support decision making efforts (business intelligence).

  • IT resources

~enable organization to be efficient in ;
~ manufacturing
~retain key customers,
~seek out new sources of supply
~introduce effectively financial management.

  • IT cultures
~organization operating with IT will have a great degree of difficulty operating
~organization can operate with an information~discovery culture it will be able the product to market quickly and easily.
~ Organizational Information Culture are:
~information - functional culture
~information - sharing culture
~informational - inquiring culture
~information - discovery culture

see? can u see? although i have no MGT class for this week, i do study..hahahhahahaha.. that mean that i am  very hardworking person here.
hahahaha. okay, that is it for now, see ya! 

Saturday 23 June 2012

Welcome ~

                    Hai!!! Assalamualaikum...heh,heh,heh...welcome to my blog...thanks for singgah lepaKING kat sini norh ~ actually this blog is owned personally by Muhamad Riduan Bin Abd Rahim. ha, nie die aku :)

                                                                  macho kan???haha

so, as the owner of this name, i actually nak tell you all that, congrate!!! why????? sb dapat search my blog and singgah2 kat sini...actually this is the first entry and the inductory. i hope sangat la, yg blog nie boleh kekal n x jadi macam blog aku yg lpas..hahahaha...menyedihkan..sobsobsob
Reason aku buat blog nie sb, sebab, sebab, sebab nak share ngan korang2 semua, semua pasai aku la... haha, macam syok sendiri je kan??? ok macam nie la, sb blog nie blog aku, so suka hati aku la, and aku nie suka berfalsafah, so kalo nak dgr rintihan or perbincangan soal hati, or psal fakta2 menarik, later on it will be here..heh heh heh...n kalo x puas hati boleh tggalkan komen ea (kalo aku layan la komen korg tu) hahahhaahahha~evil laugh...sebelum aku nak akhiri kata2 aku nie, aku nak say a lot of thank you to my beloved bff cik Nurul Najwa Abd Rahman, kawan baik aku awal akhir sb tolong aku,hehehehe. korg x kenai dia kan, ha nie pic die (saja nak bg ko famous sikit)

korg nak no tepon die ea??? amik la kat die..hahahha

lastly, kepada sapa2 dok tolong aku dlm pembikinan blog nie, thank ya! love u olz..
wassalam :)