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Friday 27 July 2012

Chapter 4 ~ Measuring the Success of Strategic Initiative..weeeeee~

Revision on CHAPTER 4

Comparison efficiency IT metrics and effectiveness IT metrics.

IT metrics are in charge of the execution of the IT system, like the speed and the availability of it.

 List and description of five common types of efficiency IT metrics.

Throughput How much information can travel through the system at any point.
Transaction Speed The time it takes the system to make a transaction. 
System Availability The amount of hours the system is available for users.
Information Accuracy  The accuracy of the information given by the system when doing the same transaction for several times.
 Web Traffic The numbers. It counts the views of the page, the visitors, the time spent in a page etc.

List and description of four types of effectiveness it metrics.

Usability    The easiness in which the transactions are performed by the users. Such us how long it takes to find information, etc. 
 Customer Satisfaction This is measure by surveys. The way they use the system, the increase or decrease of the customers that is also known by the revenue of the same.
 Conversion rates     The first costumers of an organization. They are attracted by the adds online, and then the organization will try to persuade them in order to offer their products and services.
 Financial The profit and investments of the company. Every penny gain or spent in order.

Explanation of customer metrics and their importance to an organization.

This is how companies track and treat their costumers. Is not only a way of keeping their old costumers but also giving them enough satisfaction and showing the new costumers what they have better than other companies. They have a vision and strategy that helps them keep everything organize.

chapter 3...

Answer All 

List and describe the four basic components of supply chain management.
  • Supply Chain Strategy: A plan to manage all the resources need it by customers to supply their own products and services.
  • Supply Chain Partners: The associates to the business, picked by the company to deliver their finish products and other tasks such as pricing, delivering, selling, and paying partnership.
  • Supply Chain Operation: The way and time of production activities are conducted, from the packing to the testing, from productivity and quality of such.
  • Supply Chain Logistics: The way the product is being deliver, the cars and carriers, invoicing the product and returns.

 Explain customer relationship management systemsand how they can help organizations understand their customers.

 It manages everything that involves the customer's relationship with the company. The way this is conducted determines the loyalty of a customer and the profits they will maintain with them. It allows the organization to observe the customers behavior when buying from it.

 Summarize the importance of enterprise resource planning systems.

The importance of enterprise resource planning is saving and keeping track of all the information use by a company to be share and to be available by any of the employees and departments in this company. None of this departments is allow to change the system they work with without letting the others now, this will breakdown the communication in the company. All this data is in one single IT system and is really helpful when employees want to make decisions while looking at their company information, anywhere at anytime.

Identify how an organization can use business process re engineering to improve its business.  

A business can use Business process re engineering to analyze and change the workflow within ad between companies. The purpose of Business Process Re engineering is to make all business processes the best one in it's class. Not only to make it a better business but to optimize it's productivity. 

Sunday 1 July 2012

Rindu serindu rindunya..oohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Hai, hello2x...entah naper, rjin plak aku nk post entry malam cenggini..huhu.. actually kita rindu, rindu gedikz x??ops, sori...heh heh heh..kita windu ar ngan someone nie..cheewah!!!

serius la nie, serius cgt2x..(haha)

naper la kita boley miss awak nie kan??? haha..mmg lgsg x tau la..but i always hold about this one ,

"walau pun kita tidak bertemu, walau pun kita tidak bersama, walau pun kita berpisah jauh, namun kita masih lg merenung pada bulan yg sama"

Saya harap awak rajin la  tengok bulan yaa.huhu
eh2x jiwang sgt la plak malam nie ea..bukan per, kita ada janji ngan die dulu tapi kita x tunaikan, and seriusly kita terlupa ase bersalah tu wt kdg2 tu kita rindu plak, n walau un awak x bce post nie, sepatutnyer blog nie gunanyer nak submit assignment,hahaha..dah nama un blog, so aku tulis jer n walau un awak cakap x pe, tp kita mmg ase bersalah un..ahakzs.. btw, i hope u will be always happy forever and after...

tu jelah nak post mlm x mau la nk jiwang2 sgt..hahaha..k sweet dreamz everyone, nt pkul 2 nk bgn tgk final euro..heh heh heh..kbye~