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Sunday 23 September 2012


We meet again, actually this is my study week time..time to study..huhu:) ..!! i wanna share to you a little information about what I have learn in the chapter 9...

In organization, the have an organization levels that is in the top is EXECUTIVE, followed by MANAGERS and lastly is ANALYSIS...This IT System use more non-programmed decision in their organization..

I  found that information is derived from operation..A DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM (DSS) is a model information to support managers and business professionals during the decision making process..It shows how organization make a decision by using the system..

I also found that everything in our life used an IT...for example, escalator in shopping complex...there are used an INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS as a commercial applications of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE..

There have 4 categories ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI)...that is EXPERT SYSTEM that used in Petrol Station...they have used a AI in order to solve a problems...
Second is, NEURAL NETWORKS...that is emulate the way the human brain works..

In our house, there is a lot of IT System...that is washing machine which is the example of FUZZY LOGIC..
Most of us did not aware it..

Third is GENETIC is used to generate increasingly better solutions to a problem..if the company have faced a problem..they can used this system in order to solved it..

Lastly is INTELLIGENT AGENTS...that is special purpose knowledge based information system that accomplishes specific tasks on behalf of its users..example is Shopping Bot...

wish me luck in my study...havva nice day uolz...may allah blessed u...~

Friday 7 September 2012

  • Accessing Organizational Information

The company also uses data warehouse information to perform the following:

·         Base labor budgets on actual number or guests served per hour.

·         Develop promotional sale item analysis to help avoid losses from overstocking or 

under stocking inventory.

·         Determine theoretical and actual costs of food and the use of ingredients.

  • History of Data Warehousing

Operational systems typically include accounting, order entry, customer service, and sales and
are not appropriate for business analysis for the following reasons:

·         Information from other operational applications is not included.

·         Operational systems are not integrated, or not available in one place.

·         Operational information is mainly current—does not include the history that is 

required to make good decisions.

·         Operational information frequently has quality issues —the information needs to 

be cleansed

·         Without information history, it is difficult to tell how and why things change over 


·         Operational systems are not designed for analysis and decision support.

  Data Ware house Fundamentals

data warehouse is a logical collection of information—gathered from many different 
operational databases—that supports business analysis activities and decision-making tasks.

Extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL), which is a process that extracts information 
form internal and external databases, transforms the information using a common set of 
enterprise definitions, and loads the information into a data warehouse.


cube is the common term for the representation of multidimensional information.

Data mining is the process of analyzing data to extract information not offered by the raw data 

Date-mining tools use a variety of techniques to find patterns and relationships in large 
volumes of information and infer rules from them that predict future behavior and guide decision 


Information cleansing or scrubbing is a process that weeds out and fixes or discards 
inconsistent, incorrect, or incomplete information.

  • Business Intelligence

Business intelligence (BI) refers to applications and technologies that are used to gather, 
provide access to, and analyze data and information to support decision-making efforts.

A certain school of thought draws parallels between the challenges in business and those of 
war, specifically:

·         Collecting information.

·         Discerning patterns and meaning in the information.

·         Responding to the resultant information.


Technologythe most significant enabler of business intelligence.

People Understanding the role of people in BI allows organizations to systematically create 
insight and turn these insights into actions.

Culture – A key responsibility of executives is to shape and manage corporate culture.

  • Storing Organizational Information

Organizational information is stored in a database.

  • Relational Database Fundamentals

A database maintains information about various types of objects (inventory), events 
(transactions), people (employees), and places (warehouses).

In a hierarchical database model, information is organized into a tree-like structure 
that allows repeating information using parent/child relationships in such a way that it 
cannot have too many relationships.

The network database model is a flexible way of representing objects and their 

The relational database model is a type of database that stored information in the form 
of logically related two-dimensional tables.


An entity in the relational database model is a person , place, thing, transaction, or event 
about which information is stored.


A primary key is a field (or group of fields) that uniquely identifies a given entity in a table.

A foreign key in the relational database model is a primary key of one table that appears as 
an attribute in another table and acts to provide a logical relationship between the two 
  • Relational Database Advantages

From a business perspective, database information offers many advantages, including:

·         Increased flexibility.

·         Increased scalability and performance.

·         Reduced information redundancy.

·         Increased information integrity (quality).

·         Increased information security.


The physical view of information deals with the physical storage of information on a 
storage device such as a hard disk.
The logical view of information focuses on how users logically access information to meet 
their particular business needs.


Scalability refers to how well a system can adapt to increased demands.

Performance measures how quickly a system performs a certain process or transaction.


Redundancy is the duplication of information, or storing the same information in multiple 


Information integrity is a measure of the quality of information.

Within a database environment, integrity constraints are rules that help ensure the 
quality of information.

There are two types of integrity constraints:

  1. Relational integrity constraints are rules that enforce basic and fundamental 
    information-based constraints.

  2. Business-critical integrity constraints enforce business rules vital to an 
    organization’s success and often require more insight and knowledge than relational 
    integrity constraints.


  • Database Management Systems

A database management system (DBMS) is software through which users and 
application programs interact with a database.


A data-driven website is an interactive website kept constantly updated and relevant to 
the needs of its customers through the use of a database.


When building a website, ask two primary questions to determine if the website needs a 

1.     How often will the content change?

2.     Who will be making the content changes?


Companies can gain business intelligence by viewing the data accessed and analyzed from 
their website.

  • Integrating Information among Multiple Databases

An integration allows separate systems to communicate directly with each other.

Without integrations, an organization will (1) spend considerable time entering the same
 information in multiple systems and (2) suffer from the low quality and inconsistency 
typically embedded in redundant information.

A forward integration takes information entered into a given system an sends it 
automatically to all downstream systems and processes

A backward integration takes information entered into a given system and sends it 
automatically to all upstream systems and processes.

Chapter 6- Valuing Organizational Information

Valuing Organizational Information

Organizational Information
Information granularity: refers to the extent of detail within the information(fine and detailed or coars and abstract).
Successfully levels, in varied formats, exhibiting different granularity can provide tremendous insight into how an organization is performing.

The Values of Transactional and Analytical Information
-Transactional Information encompasses all of the information contained within a single business or unit of work, and its primary purpose is to support the performing of daily operational tasks.
- Analytical Information encompasses all organizational information , and its primary purpose is to support the performing of managering analysis tasks.

The Value of Timely Information
-Real time information means immediate, up-to-date information.
-Real time system provide real time information in response to query requests.

The Value of Information
-Business decisions are only as good as the quality of information used to make the decision.
-Hight Quality information

        1. Accuracy

        2. Completeness

        3. Consistency

        4. Uniqueness

        5. Timeliness

 Understand the cost of Poor Information
- Using the wrong information can lead to make the wrong decision. As a consequense wrong decisions can cost time, money, and even reputation.

Understanding the Benefits of good Information
- High quality information does not automatically guarantee that every decision you made is going to be a good one, since people ultimately make decisions. However, hight quality information can significantly improve the chances of making a good decision and irectly increase an organization's bottom line.

Chapter 5 Organizational Structures...

Different Organization Position that hold up an organizational structures

    The chief information officer (CIO) is responsible for overseeing all uses of information technology and ensuring the strategic alignment of IT (information technology) with business goals and objectives.

    The chief technology officer (CTO) is responsible for ensuring the throughput, speed accuracy, availability, and reliability of an organization's information technology.

    The chief security officer (CSO) is responsible for ensuing the security of IT systems and developing strategies and IT safeguards against attacks from hacker sand viruses.

    The chief privacy officer (CPO) is responsible for ensuring the ethical and legal use of information within an organization.

    The chief knowledge officer (CKO) is responsible for collecting, maintaining, and distributing the organization's knowledge. The CKO designs program and systems that make it easy for people to reuse knowledge.

    Business personnel posses expertise in functional areas such as marketing, accounting, sales and so forth. IT personnel have the technological expertise. Business personnel have their own vocabularies based on their experience and expertise while IT personnel have their own vocabularies consisting of acronyms and technical terms.

Friday 27 July 2012

Chapter 4 ~ Measuring the Success of Strategic Initiative..weeeeee~

Revision on CHAPTER 4

Comparison efficiency IT metrics and effectiveness IT metrics.

IT metrics are in charge of the execution of the IT system, like the speed and the availability of it.

 List and description of five common types of efficiency IT metrics.

Throughput How much information can travel through the system at any point.
Transaction Speed The time it takes the system to make a transaction. 
System Availability The amount of hours the system is available for users.
Information Accuracy  The accuracy of the information given by the system when doing the same transaction for several times.
 Web Traffic The numbers. It counts the views of the page, the visitors, the time spent in a page etc.

List and description of four types of effectiveness it metrics.

Usability    The easiness in which the transactions are performed by the users. Such us how long it takes to find information, etc. 
 Customer Satisfaction This is measure by surveys. The way they use the system, the increase or decrease of the customers that is also known by the revenue of the same.
 Conversion rates     The first costumers of an organization. They are attracted by the adds online, and then the organization will try to persuade them in order to offer their products and services.
 Financial The profit and investments of the company. Every penny gain or spent in order.

Explanation of customer metrics and their importance to an organization.

This is how companies track and treat their costumers. Is not only a way of keeping their old costumers but also giving them enough satisfaction and showing the new costumers what they have better than other companies. They have a vision and strategy that helps them keep everything organize.

chapter 3...

Answer All 

List and describe the four basic components of supply chain management.
  • Supply Chain Strategy: A plan to manage all the resources need it by customers to supply their own products and services.
  • Supply Chain Partners: The associates to the business, picked by the company to deliver their finish products and other tasks such as pricing, delivering, selling, and paying partnership.
  • Supply Chain Operation: The way and time of production activities are conducted, from the packing to the testing, from productivity and quality of such.
  • Supply Chain Logistics: The way the product is being deliver, the cars and carriers, invoicing the product and returns.

 Explain customer relationship management systemsand how they can help organizations understand their customers.

 It manages everything that involves the customer's relationship with the company. The way this is conducted determines the loyalty of a customer and the profits they will maintain with them. It allows the organization to observe the customers behavior when buying from it.

 Summarize the importance of enterprise resource planning systems.

The importance of enterprise resource planning is saving and keeping track of all the information use by a company to be share and to be available by any of the employees and departments in this company. None of this departments is allow to change the system they work with without letting the others now, this will breakdown the communication in the company. All this data is in one single IT system and is really helpful when employees want to make decisions while looking at their company information, anywhere at anytime.

Identify how an organization can use business process re engineering to improve its business.  

A business can use Business process re engineering to analyze and change the workflow within ad between companies. The purpose of Business Process Re engineering is to make all business processes the best one in it's class. Not only to make it a better business but to optimize it's productivity. 

Sunday 1 July 2012

Rindu serindu rindunya..oohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Hai, hello2x...entah naper, rjin plak aku nk post entry malam cenggini..huhu.. actually kita rindu, rindu gedikz x??ops, sori...heh heh heh..kita windu ar ngan someone nie..cheewah!!!

serius la nie, serius cgt2x..(haha)

naper la kita boley miss awak nie kan??? haha..mmg lgsg x tau la..but i always hold about this one ,

"walau pun kita tidak bertemu, walau pun kita tidak bersama, walau pun kita berpisah jauh, namun kita masih lg merenung pada bulan yg sama"

Saya harap awak rajin la  tengok bulan yaa.huhu
eh2x jiwang sgt la plak malam nie ea..bukan per, kita ada janji ngan die dulu tapi kita x tunaikan, and seriusly kita terlupa ase bersalah tu wt kdg2 tu kita rindu plak, n walau un awak x bce post nie, sepatutnyer blog nie gunanyer nak submit assignment,hahaha..dah nama un blog, so aku tulis jer n walau un awak cakap x pe, tp kita mmg ase bersalah un..ahakzs.. btw, i hope u will be always happy forever and after...

tu jelah nak post mlm x mau la nk jiwang2 sgt..hahaha..k sweet dreamz everyone, nt pkul 2 nk bgn tgk final euro..heh heh heh..kbye~

Saturday 30 June 2012

Hah, this is really surprising!!!!

                Hello~ heh heh heh..why did i put 'hah,this is really suprising'??? actually, i did forget about something that i should post in the previous entry. ok for this entry , actually this is the continuity entry for ' Let say about Information Technology' . huhu..okays, here, now i confess that my class actually had finished chapter 1 and 2. so what i wanna post in this entry is focusing on chapter 2 , that i forget to post along with previous entry. so, i am
okay, so just forget about it, what is chapter 2 is about????
Anyone who like to answer this raise up your hand ?? haha

chapter 2 is 

Identifying Competitive Advantages

How actually an organization wanna survive and stay for a long time in the market??
The answer is an organization must create a competitive advantage

Competitive Advantage is
 a product or services that organization's customers value more highly than similar offering from a competitor

so , an organization which come up with their competitive advantage  or being the first -mover advantage can have significantly impact its market share.

Organizations watch their competition through environmental scanning. So what is actually environment scanning???

Environmental scanning
 the acquisition and analysis of events and trends in the environment external to an organization

Three common tools used in industry to analyze and develop competitive advantages include:

~Porter’s Five Forces Model
~Porter’s three generic strategies
~Value chains

                                                            Buyer power

     high when buyers have many choices of whom to buy from

low when their choices are few loyalty programs

Loyalty programs 


 reward customers based on the amount of business they do with a particular organization


  Supplier Power

high when buyers have few choices of whom to buy from

low when their choices are many

Supply chain 


 consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly, in the procurement of a product or raw 


Organizations that are buying goods and services in the supply chain can create a competitive

advantage by locating alternative supply sources (decreasing supplier power) through B to B 


Business-to-Business (B to B) marketplace

 an Internet-based service which brings together 

many buyers and sellers

Two types of Business-to-Business (B to B) marketplaces

Private exchange

 a single buyer posts its needs and then opens the bidding to any supplier who would care to bid

Reverse auction
 An  format in which increasingly lower bids are solicited from organizations willing to supply the 

desired product or service at an increasingly lower price

Threat of Substitute Products or Services

high when there are many alternatives to a product or service

low when there are few alternatives from which to choose

Switching costs
 costs that can make customers reluctant to switch to another product or service

Threat of New Entrants

high when it is easy for new competitors to enter a market

low when there are significant entry barriers to entering a market

Entry barrier

 a product or service feature that customers have come to expect from organizations in a 

particular industry and must be offered by an entering organization to compete and survive

 Rivalry among Existing Competitors

high when competition is fierce in a market

low when competition is more complacent

Although competition is always more intense in some industries than in others, the overall trend 

is toward increased competition in just about every industry


actually is


Organizations typically follow one of Porter’s three generic strategies when entering a new 


Broad cost leadership
Broad differentiation
Focused strategy



Once an organization chooses its strategy, 

it can use tools such as the value chain to determine the success or failure of its chosen 


Business process 

is a

  standardized set of activities that accomplish a specific task, such as processing a 

customer’s order

Value chain

 is a

 views an organization as a chain, or series, or processes, each of which adds value to the 

product or service for each customer

I hope that you can understood what i am saying here. Have a nice day guys!!!